Great article and surprising statistics. I know with my own kids think they do not discriminate - true if you are talking about minorities, etc. But they don't see how they look down their noses at folks without lavish education or who have dirt under their fingernails. Oblivious. But to an old dirty fingernails guy like me I can sense how they look down.

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Thanks! There are many days when I think restoring the draft could work wonders with a number of societal problems. Sharing a barracks was one of the best diversity education programs ever.


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Absolutely believe in a mandatory year of National service out of high school. Does not have to be military but yes, the military was a positive experience for me - see that bater in hindsight, tho.....

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I am currently researching the national service option. Will keep you posted.

It could bring a number of benefits.


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Check out Europe. My son was born in Germany. At the time, he got automatic German citizenship (no longer). He became an American by getting a birth registration (US citizen born abroad). So was a dual citizen for a while. But at age 18 in Germany, he was subject to a year of mandatory national service - usually military. He renounced his German citizenship. In Switzerland think they have the same deal, with a twist. At the end of your year of training and military service you went home and took your service rifle home with you. In case of national emergency, Switzerland had a potentially huge force available of people who had some basic military training and had a gun....

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Wow! I bet that German draft notice was an attention-getter!

I have heard about the Swiss system. Very impressive.


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